Saturday, 31 March 2012


Australian inventor Simon Williams found out that delivery bikes being used nowadays have many drawbacks, so he decided to design one himself. He even quit his job and worked as a postman for 18 months just to get a sense what they need in a bike. He discovered that the ones currently in use are noisy,  a hassle to manually back up, and could easily fall over when perpendicularly parked to a slope. The Deliver-e has two electric motors, one on each rear wheels, it has a reverse gear as well. The prototype weighs 120 kg (264.5 lbs) and it can speed up to 80 kph (50 mph) and it has a range of at leas 60 km (37 miles).

Simon Williams ausztrál feltaláló úgy gondolta, hogy a manapság használatban lévő postás motorok nem igazán felelnek meg az elvárásoknak, szóval úgy döntött, hogy majd ő készít egyet. Ennek érdekében még a munkahelyén is felmondott, csak hogy 18 hónapra beállhasson postásnak, hogy megtapasztalja mire is van szüksége egy levélkihordónak. Rájött, hogy a mostani gépek túl hangosak, nagyon nehéz őket hátrafelé mozgatni, és könnyen feldőlnek, ha egy lejtőn merőlegesen kell megállni velük. A Deliver-e mindkét hátsó kerekén van egy-egy halk elektromos motor, és tolatni is tud. A prototípus 120 kilós, és kb 80 kmh-val tud repeszteni 60 km-en keresztül. 


Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Our reader, Viktor Várhelyi,  from Hungary submitted these fantastic pictures about his beautiful KTM Scooter. He didn't provide us with much info, but I guess the restoration was done by him. We love it.
Thanks for the pictures Viktor.

Egy kedves olvasónk Várhelyi Viktor küldte ezeket a fantasztikus képeket gyönyörű KTM robogójáról. Nem írta ugyan, de úgy gondoljuk, hogy a felújítás az ő munkája. Nagyon szép motor. Köszönjük szépen Viktor.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012


One night in March, 1950, O. Ray Courtney worked until two a.m. and drove home discouraged. He was trying to design a better motorcycle. He wanted one with the seat forward, with better cooling, better springing and a more beautiful body. Discarded sketches littered the floor of his shop.
That night in a dream he saw a steamlined beauty skim across a flowered field. Too excited to report for work the next day, he hastily put his dream on paper – and he is riding that dream cycle now through the streets of Pontiac, Mich.


Dave Dodge has been working on Honda V4s since their inception. He was working for RC Engineering when Honda contracted them to create an '82 V4 Sabre drag bike. The RC Magna test bike with a Stage 2 cam grind, a header, RC clutch, and K&N filter would run high 10s all day.